

An In-Depth Look at Zionism in the Quran and in Jewish History

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I received this volume of the Quran as a gift from a friend and classmate during medical school. It is written in Arabic, with a German translation provided alongside. This particular edition was published by the Islamic Library in Germany in 1994. Given its origin, we have confidence in the accuracy of the Arabic to German translation. Notably, the 33-page index included is particularly impressive, serving as a valuable tool for locating specific subjects. This book, ‘THE PROMISED LAND OF ISRAEL,’ extensively references quotes from this Quranic source.


What would one say if the Holy Quran were found to contain beliefs consistent with Zionism?
What if the Quran in its very philological content blesses and encourages the Jews to live in the land of Israel?
What if billions of Muslims were to be made aware of the clearly ‘pro-Zionist’ verses in the Quran, and were to alter their world view to welcome the Jews in their ancestral homeland?
Not too long ago, my old-time peer from my years in German medical school brought me some souvenirs while visiting me in Los Angeles, including a volume of the Quran in its German translation. While reading, I came across the first pro-Zionist (or, historically defined, the first pro-Israelite) verse in the Quran, and this was very surprising to me. Soon, the index of this version of the Quran became a great help in searching through the ayahs and finding others dealing with the same issue. Continuing my targeted search, I discovered evidence confirming the gravity of the first ayah in relation to other ayahs, all of which I will explain in detail in this book.

The Introduction

After some 45 years apart, my friend and medical school peer visited me in Los Angeles. He and his wife brought us many gifts from Germany, including a volume of the Holy Quran in original Arabic along with its German translation. I take tremendous enjoyment reading the books in my library, and the Quran was now one of them. I soon realized that the Quran is unlike the Jewish Scripture, which describes historical events sequentially. And so, during my free time, I looked at pages of the Quran wherever I happened to open the book. One day, I came across Chapter 5, (sūra al-Mā’ida) verse (ayah) 21

Editor’s Prologue

In 1917 Great Britain issued the Balfour Declaration supporting the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The League of Nations confirmed a British mandate for Palestine after World War I – based on the British promise– to establish a ‘Jewish homeland’. In 1920 the first riots against Jewish immigration broke out in Jaffa in Palestine. Some decades later as Nazi power grew in Germany, Jewish immigration to Palestine increased, the Arabs of Palestine protested and began a revolt against British control. The British first proposed the Peel Plan (1937), which would have created a very small Jewish state and a much larger Arab state. The Jews accepted, but the Arabs refused. Shortly after the British issued the White Paper of 1939, which limited Jewish immigration to Palestine. Nevertheless, in 1947, after the Holocaust and murder of 6,000,000 Jews, a new wave of Jewish migration to Palestine started, and thus conflict between the Jews and Palestinian Arabs increased. In 1947 United Nations approved a new partition plan to divide Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. In this plan, Jerusalem was announced as an internationalized city. Again, the Jews accepted the plan, but the Arabs did not. As a result, a civil war between the Jews and Arabs of Palestine ensued and in reality, the mentioned plan could not be implemented. However, during this time, the Jews gained control of most of the territory ceded to them by the United Nations. The first wave of Palestinian refugees was the direct consequence of this conflict. A Middle Eastern dilemma which less than two decades later instigated the Six-Day-War in June 1967 followed by various Palestinian movements and riots; events and conflicts, whose backgrounds have been meticulously explained by the author of the present book.

Full Press Release

An interesting work that offers well-documented accuracy and authenticity of the quoted facts, rendering them beyond malicious interpretation. Author Solomon Pournia received his medical degree from the Düsseldorf Medical Academy in Germany. However, history and religion were the other two fields he pursued and researched alon side his main profession as a physician. Nonetheless, the factual information contained in this book, so relevant to the Middle East crises and the Arab-Israeli issue, has not been revealed and remained hidden from Muslims around the world and Westerners.

The need for enlightenment and clarification could not stop him from announcing and revealing the truth. He hopes that this first release will spark a tremendous awakening that will lead to insight and the loss of bigotry. Pournia writes, “Not too long ago, my old-time peer from my years in German medical school brought me some souvenirs while visiting me in Los Angeles, including a volume of the Quran with its German translation. While reading, I came across the first pro-Zionist (or, historically defined, the first proIsraelite) verse in the Quran, and this was very surprising to me. Soon, the index of this version of the Quran became a great help in searching through the ayahs and finding others dealing with the same issue. Continuing my targeted search, I discovered evidence confirming the gravity of the first ayah in relation to other ayahs, all of which I will explain in detail in this book.” Published by Fulton Books, Solomon Pournia’s book tackles very sensitive topics and serves as an eye-opener for Muslim politicians, traditional clerics, Muslims in general, and interested Westerners.

Hajj. The Muslim tradition maintains that the Ka’ba, the brown-black cube in the middle, was originally built by Adam. After the biblical flood, recorded in Genesis 6:8, it was rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael [Qur’an 2:127]. In the Muslim tradition they “believe that this is the House of God. At least once a year, tribes from all around the Arabian Peninsula, would converge on Mecca to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. They would circle the shrine seven times, kiss the Black Stone embedded in the wall of Ka’ba. Hajj has been a great source of revenue for Mecca and for its custodian. Part I, page 16.

An Aerial view of the Temple Mount, known by the Muslims as Haram al-Sharif.

Today, the Temple Mount, a 35-acre walled compound within the Old City of Jerusalem, features the Dome of the Rock to the north (with a golden dome) and the Al-Aqsa Mosque to the south (with a silvered dome). In the southwest, the Western Wall stands as a remnant of the Second Temple, representing the holiest site in Judaism. While the Israeli government maintains political sovereignty over the compound, the custodianship of the religious sites is entrusted to an Islamic Council known as the Waqf.                                                                                                  According to the Bible, King Solomon built the First Temple on this site. In a 1929 publication titled “A Brief Guide to the Haram al-Sharif,” written by Waqf historian Aref al Aref, it is declared that the Mount’s “identity with the site of Solomon’s temple is beyond dispute.” This fact was contested by Yasser Arafat during his meeting with U.S. President Bill Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak in 2000. Part I, page 24. Photo source,

During the 400-year occupation of the City of Jerusalem by the Ottoman Turks the City’s Jewish population grew steadily. “A Survey of Palestine: a booklet, which was prepared in December 1945 – January 1946, by the English Mandate for the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry. In its Volume I, Chapter VI, pages 148 and tables 7b & 8b the figures for Jerusalem’s population and their ethnicity are shown. The data for reference #105 were obtained from this booklet, which is available via Internet. , Part I, page 28

On December 11, 1917, two days after Ottoman army had left the city, as Jerusalem was conquered by the British army, General Allenby, its Commander, to show respect for the holy city, entered the city on foot. Photos: Wikipedia. Part I, Page 28.

The atrocities committed by radical individuals or groups identifying as Muslims against religious minorities, for political or other motivations, are not always extensively covered by mainstream news agencies, newspapers, or radio broadcasts. Instances of beheadings of non-Muslims, destruction of non-Muslim places of worship, and mass killings of innocent civilians, including women and children, by fanatic Muslims have, however, found visibility on the internet. One example is a clip from a YouTube video highlighting the persecution of Christians in Egypt. Part I, page 80.

Haj Amin Muhammad al-Husseini (1897-1974), the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, is considered the ‘founding father’ of Palestinian nationalism. He played a significant role during the Palestine Mandate era. However, his legacy is controversial due to his alliance with Hitler’s Nazi regime during World War II, aimed at driving the British from Palestine and preventing Jewish immigration to their homeland. Yasser Arafat, a distant cousin of Haj Amin, later became one of his close followers. Part I, page 85.  Photo: Yad Vashem.

During World War II, Haj Amin collaborated with the Nazis in Berlin, serving as an Arab ally and propagandist for the Third Reich. He continued his campaign of antisemitic incitement, which he had initiated in Palestine. Additionally, he recruited and organized Bosnian Muslim battalions to fight alongside the German Army’s ‘Waffen-SS’ units. Part I, page 85. Photo: Yad Vashem.

Part II This section of the book delves into the foundational background of Jewish history, commencing with Abraham, the patriarch. It traces the Israelites’ migration to Egypt, their journey from slavery to freedom, and their transformation from exile to nationhood. The narrative encompasses the cessation of both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, marked by the Babylonian exile. Descriptions include the earliest recorded attempt at Jewish genocide, as well as the periods of occupation of the Land of Israel by Persia, Greece, and Rome.

The Sacrifice of Isaac. God tested Abraham's faith by commanding him to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22:1-13). In the Islamic tradition, it is believed that God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Ishmael (Ismail) (Qur’an 37:101-105). Rembrandt van Rijn’s renowned painting, “The Sacrifice of Isaac” (1635), has been masterfully reproduced by an Iranian carpet weaver in a 41″ by 58″ piece, showcasing a true masterpiece. Private collection. Part II, page 98.

The Fortress of Masada, a mountaintop stronghold constructed by Herod on a towering 1,300 feet high rock in the Judaean desert, commands a panoramic view of the Dead Sea. The conclusion of the Jewish revolts against Rome from 63-73 CE unfolded at Masada, where a resilient fortress, after withstanding the Roman army for over two years, ultimately succumbed in 73 CE. Source, Jewish Virtual Library. Part II, page 124.

A mural on the interior wall of the Wilshire Temple in Los Angeles replicates a sculptured panel found inside the Arch of Titus in Rome. This artwork portrays Titus’s triumphal procession and the spoils seized from the Temple in Jerusalem after the city’s conquest and the subsequent looting of the Temple. Photo by the author. Part II, page 125.

Part III This section of the book explores the history of Jews in the diaspora, commencing with the Battle of Yarmuk and the Arab invasion that led to the occupation of the Land of Israel. This occupation prompted Jewish migration to various Middle Eastern and European countries, eventually extending to North and South America. The narrative delves into the fluctuations in the lives of local Jews, detailing the impact of multiple Crusades and the resulting Jewish hardships in European countries and the Land of Israel. Additionally, the creation and effects of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in Jewish history are discussed as is the Martin Luther’s evolution and the Jews. The historical accounts of World War I, World War II, and the Holocaust are examined, shedding light on the myriad challenges faced by Jewish communities. The section also addresses the collaboration of Haj Amin Muhammad with the Nazi regime during World War II.

A wall-calendar for the Hebrew year 5354, corresponding to 1593-94, printed in Italy, stands out with the bold Hebrew inscription at its bottom: ‘Leshana habaa be-yeroushalaim,’ translating to “Next year in Jerusalem.”  This unique calendar is part of a collection that spans from the 12th to the 18th century, consisting of Jewish books and prayer books. These valuable items were originally part of the Valmadonna Trust Library collection, a portion of which was auctioned by Sotheby’s in December 2015 in New York. Source, Photo of an advertisement by Southeby. Part III. Page 149

Martin Luther, the German theologian
Martin Luther, a German theologian and monk, instigated significant religious reform with his 95 Theses, protesting various Church practices and doctrines. His outspoken critique sparked a wave of religious reformers across Europe. On January 3, 1521, Luther faced excommunication from the Catholic Church, an act that inadvertently fueled the development of the Lutheran church and the broader Protestant Reformation.    However, when the Jewish community did not embrace Lutheranism, he turned vehemently against them. In a pivotal turn, Luther published a pamphlet titled “On the Jews and Their Lies,” considered one of the earliest works of modern anti-Semitism. This publication marked a significant step toward the dark path that would eventually lead to the Holocaust. Photo, Wikimedia. Part III, page 155.

It was Vladimir Jabotinsky’s idea to establish a warrior force that will fight to conquer Palestine. Source. Jewish Virtual Library. Part III, page 187

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp in the City of Oranienburg
Oranienburg is a town situated on the banks of the Havel River, approximately 22 miles north of the center of Berlin. This small city is accessible by railways from Berlin. At its outskirts lies the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, the second such camp constructed by the Nazis on German soil, following Dachau in Munich. Over its nine-year history, around 200,000 people, including notable Germans who opposed Nazi policies, were interned at Sachsenhausen. Photo by the author. Part III, page 200.

The thoroughfare leading to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, one of the first two built by the Nazis, is located just outside the city of Berlin and can be reached with a fifteen-minute walk from the train station in the small city of Oranienburg. During this walk, Jews and other prisoners endured harassment, including booing and spitting, from the local residents. The main gate bears the German inscription “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work Makes You Free”), a cruel irony as, in reality, it signified “Extermination through Labor.” Initially established as a labor camp in 1936, the camp was liberated by the Soviets in 1945. Tragically, nearly 50,000 people lost their lives within its confines. Photo by the author. Part III, page 200.

The Sachsenhausen Camp Entry Gate
Constructed in 1936 to the north of Berlin, the Nazi concentration camp Sachsenhausen featured a gate bearing the ominous sign “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work Makes You Free”). This symbol, serving as a chilling emblem, was present in various formats on the entry gates of different concentration camps.
Sachsenhausen, operated by the Nazi SS, housed over 200,000 individuals, including political prisoners, Jews, Gypsies, and captured Soviet soldiers. Tragically, tens of thousands of inmates perished due to starvation, forced labor, medical experiments, and murder by SS personnel. Today, the camp stands as a memorial, offering visitors a somber education about the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Part III, page 200.

Pastor Martin Niemoeller
Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp housed several prominent figures, among them Pastor Martin Niemoeller. Initially, Niemoeller welcomed the Third Reich enthusiastically, but after a meeting with Hitler in January 1934, he came to view the Nazi state as a dictatorship, against which he took a stand. Niemoeller is most renowned for his poignant quotation: “First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Source: Holocaust Encyclopedia. Part III, page 200

Anne Frank, the young Jewish diarist, was born in Frankfurt, Germany. Fleeing the Nazis, she and her family moved to Amsterdam. When the Nazis occupied the Netherlands, they went into hiding, and it was during those two years in concealment that Anne wrote her diary. Eventually, the Nazis deported all the Jews from the Netherlands to concentration camps. Tragically, Anne Frank succumbed to Typhus and died in Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp on March 12, 1945. After the war, her father, who had survived the Holocaust, discovered her diary. Translated into numerous languages, Anne’s diary has been published and stands as a poignant testament to the human spirit amid adversity. Photo, Jewish Virtual Library. Part III, page 200

Only a chimney has remained from the crematorium in the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. It captures the stark and haunting reality of what remains from the crematorium in the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. Photo by the author. Part III, page 200.

Children of the Holocaust
In January 1945, as prisoners were compelled to assist in running the camp, they clandestinely designated block 66 for the rescue of young children and teens. These children received slightly better nourishment compared to other prisoners. When the camp was liberated by American troops on April 11, 1945, they were horrified to discover hundreds of children who were little more than skeletons covered by skin. The American commander urgently contacted the children’s rescue group in Geneva, seeking assistance in evacuating these young survivors. Photo, front page of the book with the same title. Part III, page 201

Henry Ford and anti Semitism
Antisemitism, fueled by certain Christian Protestants, peaked in the United States shortly after World War I. Henry Ford, who publicly expressed anti-Semitic views in 1915, invested significant personal funds to have “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” translated into English. Distributing it widely in America, the Protocols became the second best-selling book in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s, following only the Bible. In 1919, Ford purchased the openly anti-Semitic paper “The Dearborn Independent,” turning it into a propaganda machine against Jews. Under the series of articles titled ‘The International Jew: The World’s Problem,’ he initiated a relentless attack on Jews, resulting in an unprecedented increase in the newspaper’s circulation. Starting with around 72,000 copies a week, the circulation peaked at 700,000 in 1924. Despite his earlier anti-Semitic activities, Henry Ford contributed to the war effort during World War II by supporting the production of one B-24 bomber per hour, aiding the United States in its victory. Photo, the front page of the book. Part III, page 212.

Commemorative Stamp by the State of Israel showing Cyrus Cylinder.
In 539 B.C.E., King Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylon, bringing about the end of the Babylonian Empire. Many Jewish leaders in captivity regarded Cyrus as the figure destined to fulfill the biblical prophecy foretelling the liberation of the Jews and their return to the Promised Land. A postage stamp from the State of Israel serves as a testament to how Jews worldwide honor the ancient Persian King, Cyrus. Part III, page 221.

Habib Elghanayan, the Iranian Jewish industrialist and philanthropist. He was pioneering Iran’s industry. Photo, courtesy of a relative. Part III, page 238

Following the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Habib Elghanayan was arrested and subsequently imprisoned. In a brief 30-minute Revolutionary Court proceeding, depicted on the right side of the photo, and without the presence of a defense attorney, he was falsely labeled as a Zionist spy and swiftly sentenced to death by firing squad. This shocking development became headline news on the front page of the renowned Tehran newspaper, Etela’at. Photo of the subject newspaper. Part III, pages 238-9

Part IV. This section explores the aftermath of World War I, encompassing various consequences such as the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. It delves into the pivotal roles played by the Arab and Jewish legions in countering the Ottoman army, resulting in the issuance of mandates to the British and French armies. These mandates eventually paved the way for the liberation of numerous Arab regions, giving rise to the formation of new Arab nations such as Jordan, Iraq, Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, and the establishment of a mandate for Palestine as a Jewish homeland.
Additionally, this portion addresses the origins and development of political Zionism, examining the circumstances that led to its emergence. It sheds light on the remarkable and sometimes unbelievable circumstances surrounding the continuous return of Jews, predominantly from Eastern Europe, facilitated by collaboration between Zionist leaders and the Jewish Agency. This collaborative effort ultimately culminated in the reestablishment of the Jewish homeland.
The narrative also touches upon the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks during World War I, drawing parallels with the Holocaust orchestrated by the Nazis during World War II. Furthermore, it delves into the Israeli War of Independence and subsequent conflicts imposed on the nascent state.

Jewish books burning.

Throughout history the Jewish religious texts, books, and works by Jewish authors were targeted for destruction. This unfortunate practice has been a recurring theme in various periods and locations. In the 15th century, during the Spanish Inquisition, there were incidents where Jewish religious books were burnt. Similarly, during the Counter-Reformation, in 1559, the future Pope Pius V ordered the burning of Jewish religious books. On May 10, 1933, some 40,000 people gathered in the front of the University of Berlin to witness the ritual named, “Public burning of noxious Jewish writings”, as a ‘cleansing process’. The books written by the Jewish authors including Heine, Mendelssohn, Wassermann, Zweig, Marx, Brecht, Auerbach and numerous others as well as the Jewish Bible were set fire to. Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) wrote: Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. The quote from Heine is indeed prophetic. His words emphasize the dangerous consequences of suppressing intellectual freedom and the persecution of ideas, which can escalate to the persecution of individuals, as tragically demonstrated by the Holocaust during World War II. Photo, courtesy of Holocaust Memorial Museum. Part IV, page 191.

World War I did see a widespread and prolonged use of trench warfare on the Western Front, where both the Allies and the Central Powers constructed elaborate systems of trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire. The war on the Western Front often became a stalemate with both sides entrenched for long periods. The use of machine guns, poisonous gas, and other new technologies were indeed notable features of World War I. The machine gun, in particular, played a significant role in shaping the nature of warfare on the Western Front. The introduction of chemical weapons, including poisonous gas, was another grim aspect of this conflict. While the war involved millions of soldiers, the total number of military personnel mobilized from all countries involved was around 70 million. The number of casualties, including both military and civilian, reached into the tens of millions. World War I was a complex and devastating conflict that reshaped the geopolitical landscape and had a profound impact on the 20th century. Photo, Wikipedia. Part IV, page 263.

Lord Arthur James Balfour. The Balfour Declaration, issued on November 2, 1917, was a letter from the British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lord Walter Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community. The declaration expressed the British government’s support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration had a significant impact on the course of history, as it laid the groundwork for the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. The complexities and consequences of the Balfour Declaration continue to be discussed and debated to this day. Photo source, Wikimedia. Part IV, page 267.

Chaim Weizmann was a prominent figure in the Zionist movement and played a crucial role in the establishment of the State of Israel.  Chaim Weizmann was born in 1874 in what is now Belarus and later became a British citizen. Before his involvement in Zionist leadership, he was a distinguished chemist and scientist. Weizmann’s scientific contributions included the development of a method for producing acetone, which was important for the British war effort during World War I. Weizmann’s involvement in the Zionist movement increased, and he became the president of the World Zionist Organization from 1920 to 1931 and again from 1935 to 1946. He played a key role in negotiations with the British government, including those leading to the issuance of the Balfour Declaration in 1917. Weizmann served as the ceremonial president of the state of Israel until his resignation in 1952 due to health reasons. Photo source, Wikimedia, Part IV, page 269

A Recruitment Poster.   The Yiddish-language poster, which reflects the appeal for Jewish volunteers to join the Jewish Legion and fight under the British rule in the hope of contributing to the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The concept of the “Old New Land” is a reference to the Zionist aspiration of reestablishing a Jewish homeland in the historic land of Israel. The Jewish Legion was officially established in 1917, and it consisted of Jewish volunteers from various countries, including Russia, the United States, and Britain. The unit fought in the Middle East during World War I, and its activities played a symbolic role in the eventual British conquest of Palestine. After the war, the Jewish Legion’s contribution was recognized, and some of its members became involved in the early defense and security efforts of the Jewish community in Palestine. The experiences of these soldiers were seen as contributing to the broader narrative of Jewish self-defense and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. The recruitment poster reflects the historical context of the time and the aspirations of the Zionist movement during World War I.  Source: Tablet Magazine 11-9-2012. Part IV, page 279

The Jewish Legion Flag in WWI.  Source, Wikipedia. Part IV, page 279.

Jewish soldiers of the 38th Battalion. Photo, Wikipedia. Part IV, page 279.

The Armenian Genocide. The Armenian Physicians were hanged in Aleppo Square, Istanbul. The Armenian Genocide occurred during World War I. In 1915, the Ottoman Empire, initiated a systematic campaign to exterminate the Armenian population. The Armenians, who were a Christian minority in the Ottoman Empire, were subjected to mass deportations, forced marches, and mass killings. There were various instances of public executions and mass killings. Many Armenian intellectuals, professionals, and community leaders were arrested and executed as part of the Ottoman government’s plan to eliminate the Armenian population. The events of the Armenian Genocide are a matter of historical record and have been widely recognized as genocide by many countries and scholars. However, the Turkish government continues to dispute the use of the term “genocide” and contests the characterization of the events. Photo,  Part IV, page 281

A still frame from the “Auction of Souls”, which is a silent film released in 1919 and is considered one of the earliest cinematic works to depict the Armenian Genocide. The film was based on the book “Ravished Armenia” by Aurora Mardiganian, who was a survivor of the events. The film aimed to raise awareness about the atrocities committed against the Armenian population during the World War I. The film sought to portray the experiences of Armenians during the genocide. The specific scene with crucified Christian girls, reflects the horrifying and brutal nature of the atrocities committed. The Armenian Genocide involved widespread atrocities, including mass killings, deportations, and acts of violence against the Armenian population. The Armenian Genocide is a contentious and sensitive historical issue. Recognition of the events as genocide is a subject of international debate and political sensitivity. Many countries and scholars recognize it as genocide, while others, particularly the Turkish government, dispute this classification. Photo, Wikipedia common. Part IV, page 281

Armenian Genocide. The Armenian men, women and children were marched through the highways, roads and villages from Anatolia in the east Turkey to Syria, which was then a part of the Ottoman Empire.  Source:    Part IV, page 287.

Husayn bin Ali was the Sharif of Mecca and Emir of the Hejaz (region in western Arabia) during the early 20th century. He was appointed by the Ottoman Empire but later became a key figure in the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Empire during World War I. Husayn bin Ali’s two sons who played significant roles in the Arab Revolt were Faisal and Abdullah. Faisal became the King of Iraq, and Abdullah became the Emir of Transjordan (later Jordan). These events occurred in the aftermath of World War I. The Hashemite family, to which Husayn belonged, played a key role in the establishment of new Arab states with the help of British and French support. Faisal’s reign in Iraq began in 1921, and Abdullah became the Emir of Transjordan in 1921 as well. Photo, Wikipedia. Part IV, page 266

Emir Faisal, son of Husayn Ben Ali of Arabia, commander of Arab Legion. After WWI, he was ultimately appointed by the Brits as the King in Iraq. Photo, Wikipedia. Part IV, page 271

Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused of passing military secrets to the German Empire. In 1894, he was convicted in a court-martial and sentenced to life imprisonment on Devil’s Island. The case revealed the anti-Semitic sentiments within the French military and society. The Dreyfus Affair had a profound impact on Herzl. He was indeed present in Paris as a correspondent for the Viennese newspaper ‘Neue Freie Presse’ during the time of the Dreyfus Affair. The blatant anti-Semitism and injustice witnessed during the trial deeply affected Herzl. The Dreyfus Affair convinced Herzl that Jews could not fully integrate into European societies, and he concluded that the only solution to anti-Semitism was the establishment of a Jewish state. This realization laid the foundation for Herzl’s later efforts in promoting the idea of a Jewish homeland, culminating in the publication of Herzl’s book “The Jewish State,” and the First Zionist Congress in 1897.

Theodor Ze’ev Herzl was a key figure in the early Zionist movement and is often referred to as the father of modern political Zionism. Born in 1860 in Budapest, Hungary, Herzl was a journalist, playwright, and political activist.
Herzl became a prominent advocate for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire. He articulated his ideas in his influential pamphlet titled “Der Judenstaat” (“The Jewish State”), published in 1896. In this work, Herzl argued for the creation of a Jewish state as a solution to the “Jewish Question” and the rising anti-Semitism in Europe. Herzl convened the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, where the World Zionist Organization was founded. The congress adopted the Basel Program, which called for the establishment of a publicly and legally assured home for the Jewish people in Palestine. Herzl worked tirelessly to gain international support for the Zionist cause, engaging with political leaders and seeking a charter for the establishment of a Jewish homeland. Unfortunately, Herzl did not live to see the realization of his vision. He passed away in 1904, well before the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
Herzl’s ideas and efforts, however, laid the foundation for the Zionist movement, which played a crucial role in the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state. His legacy is remembered and honored within the broader context of the history of modern Israel. Photo, Herzl by Amos Elon, 1975. Part IV, page 301

During his eight years of Zionist activities Herzl made two trips to the Mandate Palestine. He was welcomed by the Jews everywhere and at times they called him the “anointed one.”    Source: JNF brochures. Part IV, page 301

Reverend William H. Hechler (1845–1931) was an Anglican clergyman and a notable Christian Zionist. He is perhaps best known for his association with Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern political Zionism. Hechler and Herzl first met in 1896, and Hechler quickly became a supporter of Herzl’s Zionist vision. Hechler believed in the idea of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy and, as a Christian Zionist, he saw it as an essential step toward the realization of Christian eschatology. Hechler used his connections in European aristocratic and political circles to assist Herzl in gaining support for the Zionist cause. He introduced Herzl to various influential figures, including German Emperor Wilhelm II, as well as other European leaders. It’s worth noting that Herzl’s initial efforts to gain political support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland faced challenges, but Hechler’s assistance helped open doors to some influential individuals. Photo, Herzl by Amos Elon, 1975. Part IV, page 303.

The “JNF Blue Box” or “Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael” (KKL) Blue Box. The Jewish National Fund (JNF) introduced these blue boxes as part of its fundraising efforts. The JNF was established at the Fifth Zionist Congress in 1901 with the primary goal of acquiring and developing land in Palestine for Jewish settlement. The JNF Blue Box became an iconic symbol of the Zionist movement and the efforts to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The idea was to encourage Jews around the world to contribute to the fund by placing spare change or donations into these blue boxes. The funds collected were used to purchase land in Palestine and support various projects related to agriculture, afforestation, infrastructure, and community development. The JNF played a crucial role in transforming the landscape of Palestine, purchasing land that would later become the foundation for the State of Israel. The Blue Box campaign not only raised money but also fostered a sense of collective responsibility and participation among Jews worldwide in the Zionist enterprise. The Blue Box campaign continued to be an enduring symbol of grassroots support for the Zionist cause and the development of the land. Source: JNF brochures. Part IV, page 350.

Sir Moses Montefiore, indeed, was a prominent English Jewish philanthropist and a key figure in the 19th-century Zionist movement. Born in Italy in 1784, Montefiore became a successful financier and a leading figure in the Jewish community in England. His efforts were multifaceted, and his interest in the Holy Land and the well-being of the Jewish population there were central to his philanthropic activities. One of his most notable endeavors was his support for projects in the Ottoman Palestine, particularly in the areas of industry, education, and health. Montefiore recognized the importance of education as a cornerstone for the future success of any society. His contributions aimed to improve the living conditions and opportunities for Jews in Palestine, laying the groundwork for self-sufficiency and progress. Montefiore’s philanthropy aligned with the broader aspirations of the Zionist movement, which sought to establish a Jewish homeland. While his efforts were not explicitly political, the socio-economic improvements he supported were seen as contributing to the overall goal of creating a thriving Jewish community in the Holy Land. It’s important to note that Sir Moses Montefiore’s philanthropic legacy extends beyond the Holy Land. His contributions to various causes, both within and outside the Jewish community, left a lasting impact on charitable work in the 19th century. Photo source, montefioredellaso. Part IV, page 353.

This Land Is My Land, is a publication by Hertz that often focuses on the historical and geopolitical aspects of the British Mandate for Palestine. Hertz’s work discusses how the region designated as the “Mandate for Palestine” was altered by British authorities, resulting in a disproportionate division between Jewish and Arab entities. The book addresses the historical developments and argue that British policies contributed to a truncated Jewish state compared to the original intent of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine. The photo shows the front page of the book. Part IV, page 357.

The “Two-State Solution” according to The Peel Commission Report of July 7, 1937. It proposed a two-state solution for the British Mandate of Palestine. The Peel Commission was appointed by the British government to investigate the causes of the Arab-Jewish violence in Palestine, which had erupted in the late 1930s. The commission’s recommendations were presented in its report, and a significant aspect of those recommendations was the idea of partition. Green shows the Arab land, Blue the Jewish land and Red to be Independent and controlled by the UN! Source, Encyclopedia Britannica. Part IV, page 353.

The United Nations Resolution 181, also known as the UN Partition Plan for Palestine, was a proposal put forth by the United Nations in 1947. The resolution aimed to address the ongoing conflict between Jewish and Arab communities in the British Mandate of Palestine and the impending end of the British Mandate. The proposal outlined a plan for the partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with an international administration for Jerusalem. The UN General Assembly voted on Resolution 181 on November 29, 1947. The resolution was adopted with 33 votes in favor, 13 against, and 10 abstentions. The Jewish leadership accepted the partition plan, while the Arab leadership strongly opposed it, viewing it as unjust and a violation of their right to self-determination. The rejection of the UN Partition Plan by the Arab states and the subsequent Arab-Israeli War in 1948 led to the establishment of the State of Israel and marked the beginning of a complex and ongoing geopolitical situation in the region. Source, Encyclopedia Britannica. Part IV, page 398.

Leopold Pilichowski was a Jewish Polish painter. One of his notable works is “The Opening of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem,” where he portrayed the ceremony marking the establishment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on April 1, 1925, and it was a significant moment in the history of the Zionist movement and the development of Jewish cultural and intellectual life in Palestine. In the painting Pilichowski depicts Lord Arthur Balfour addressing the assembly. The opening of the Hebrew University was a milestone, and Lord Balfour’s presence at the event underscored the international recognition and support for the Zionist endeavor. Photo: Part IV, page 376

Massacre of Jewish Women and Children in Hebron. In 1929, tensions between Jewish and Arab communities in British Mandate Palestine escalated, leading to violent incidents, including the Hebron Massacre. On August 23, 1929, Arab residents attacked the Jewish community in Hebron. The violence resulted in the killing of approximately 67-68 Jews and the forced evacuation of the surviving Jewish residents. The Hebron Massacre was part of a series of violent events known as the 1929 Palestine riots or the Buraq Uprising. Photo, ” A Clip from a documentary YouTube video. Part IV, page 377.

The Palestine Post, (later The Jerusalem Post) reported on the UN General Assembly Resolution 181, passed on November 29, 1947. The Resolution was a significant development in the lead-up to the establishment of the State of Israel. The UN resolution marked a pivotal point in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as it set the stage for the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. The Arab rejection of the partition plan and the subsequent Arab-Israeli War that followed the declaration of the State of Israel contributed to shaping the geopolitical landscape of the region. Part IV, page 398.

The Cave of the Patriarchs, known to Muslims as the Ibrahimi Mosque, is located in the city of Hebron in the West Bank. It is a site that is significant to both Judaism and Islam. The cave is believed to be the burial place of several key figures in the religious traditions.  According to Jewish tradition, the Cave of the Patriarchs is where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, and Leah are buried. These figures are considered patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish people. For Muslims, the site is significant because of its association with the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham in Judaism and Christianity). The Ibrahimi Mosque, which encompasses the cave, is a place of worship for Muslims and holds importance in Islamic tradition. The history of the site is complex and has been a source of tension and conflict. The building enclosing the cave dates back to the Herodian era and has undergone various modifications and changes over the centuries. The Cave of the Patriarchs/Ibrahimi Mosque reflects the shared religious history in the region and the interconnectedness of Judaism and Islam. However, it has also been a focal point of tensions between different communities due to the religious and political significance attached to the site. Photo Source, Wikipedia Common. Part IV, page 378.

This image is of a man in the Jewish Brigade, a segment of the British Army that fought the Germans in Italy in 1944. The rocket says in Hebrew, “Hitler’s Gift”

Source, Wikipedia Common, Part IV, page 396

A clip of a video showing ‘The Palestine Post’ daily Newspaper of November 30, 1947. UN Resolution 181, also known as the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, was passed on November 29, 1947. The resolution called for the partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem as an international city. The plan was accepted by the Jewish leadership but rejected by the Arab states. Jews generally welcomed the resolution as it provided international recognition for the establishment of a Jewish state. However, Arab leaders and populations were strongly opposed to the plan, viewing it as unjust and a violation of their rights. This disagreement eventually led to the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-1949. Part IV, page 401.

David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency declares the establishment of the State of Israel. It took place on May 14, 1948. He announced the establishment of the new state in Tel Aviv. The event occurred at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, and it marked the end of the British Mandate in Palestine. Source, KKL. Part IV, page 401.

The Palestine Post was a daily English language newspaper, which was established in Jerusalem as part of the Zionists’ initiatives. It was founded in 1932 during the British Mandate of Palestine. This is its Sunday, May 16, 1948, issue, the first one after the Proclamation of Israel’s statehood. It was published later as “The Jerusalem Post”. Part IV, page 401

Proclamation of Total War by Arab Leaders. The period leading up to the Six-Day War in 1967 was marked by heightened tension and military mobilization in the Middle East. The political and military rhetoric from various Arab leaders and their respective media outlets indeed included threats against Israel’s existence. Newspaper headlines and public statements by Arab leaders during this time often reflected a sense of confrontation and military readiness. There were calls for the liberation of Palestinian territories and the removal of what many Arab nations perceived as Israeli aggression. Arab leaders, including Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, made statements that contributed to the escalating tension. A clip from a documentary YouTube video. Part IV, page 416.

1967 war. The first Israeli paratroopers reaching victoriously the Western (Wailing) Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. A screenshot from a YouTube documentary film. Part IV, page 414

Moshe Dayan (center) during the 6-Day War. . A screenshot from a YouTube documentary film. Part IV, page 414

The cover page of the LIFE Magazine, June 23, 1967.

The Six-Day War took place in June 1967 and involved Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. It was a brief but significant conflict that had lasting implications for the Middle East. One of the major fronts of the war was the Sinai Peninsula, which was then part of Egypt. Israeli forces quickly gained control of the Sinai Peninsula and the Suez Canal. Part IV, page 414

Israel’s victory. The Six-Day War, which took place from June 5 to June 10, 1967, resulted in a decisive victory for Israel. The conflict involved Israel and several Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Israel gained control of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria.  Israel also captured East Jerusalem, including the Old City, bringing the entire city under Israeli control. This had significant religious and political implications. Part IV, page 414

Golda Meir became the Prime Minister of Israel in March 1969. She served as Prime Minister until 1974. At her first announcement as PM she said, “We are prepared to discuss peace with our neighbors.” However, despite her willingness to engage in peace talks, the political situation in the region remained complex, and tensions continued to escalate. The Arab states were unwilling to engage in direct negotiations with Israel.   The Yom Kippur War (October 1973) caught Israel by surprise when Egypt and Syria launched coordinated attacks on the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. The conflict led to a significant loss of life on both sides and prompted international diplomatic efforts to bring about a ceasefire. The war highlighted the vulnerability of Israel and the need for a reevaluation of security and military strategies. Photo, Part IV, page 414.

A Brief Guide to al-Haram al-Sharif, published in 1924 by the Supreme Muslim Council in Jerusalem. Ironically it is the period when Haj Amin Muhammad al Husseini was the head of this Council and was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem from 1922 to 1937. In this booklet the Supreme Muslim Council confirms the truth of the Jewish people’s unique relationship to the consecrated Mount Temple dating back some three thousand years. This Guide officially recognizes the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount. On its fourth page the Historical Sketch of the Haram declares: “The site is one of the oldest in the world. Its sanctity dates from the earliest times. Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute.” Describing the area of Solomon’s Stables, the Guide states: “It dates probably as far back as the construction of Solomon’s Temple.” Photo, courtesy of Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles. Part IV, page 436.

There are anti-Semitic teachings and propaganda in the educational materials and institutions in the Gaza Strip and other Palestinian territories.  The anti-Semitic teachings and propagandas are not only in the madrassas, schools and universities a part of the education but the new generation is additionally trained as if they are in the regular army. A clip from a YouTube video. Part IV, page 440.

Part V: Navigating the Complex Landscape of PEACE
In the preceding sections, readers were immersed in a comprehensive exploration of the Arab- Jewish-Israeli conflicts. This journey included an in-depth look at historical roots, contemporary facts, and the intertwining tapestry of sentiments among the involved parties. The systematic propagation of anti-Semitic ideologies over the decades, commencing with impressionable minds in kindergartens and persisting through university classrooms and campus environments, coupled with the toxic influence of misinformation in the media and the maneuvers of local politicians, has not merely quelled aspirations for peace. Rather, it has steered the sentiments of Arabs, notably the Palestinians, so resolutely to the right that the prospect of a peaceful resolution under current circumstances appears elusive. However, Part V aspires to present a glimmer of hope amid this seemingly intractable dilemma. This section proffers suggestions and pathways that could potentially pave the way for a more constructive and harmonious future.

From the River to the See, Palestine will be free, (from Jordan river to the Mediterranean See) This slogan was invented in 1964 and was immediately accepted by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which is a political and military organization formed to unite various Palestinian Arab groups and ultimately to bring about an independent state of Palestine. The slogan calls for one state solution and “free” from the Jews, contrary to the two-state solution, which is propagated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) to the Westerners. Altogether, the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” is a call for a Palestinian state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, encompassing not only the West Bank and Gaza but the entire state of Israel, a genocidal plan. Let’s remember that the said slogan is taught in the schools by the PA and Hamas. Interestingly, the UN supported and managed schools in the West Bank and Gaza are no exception to this teaching! Part V, page 469.